3 Things We Dive Into In This Episode:
Cultivating reciprocal friendships that allow you to be your truest self, no matter how long you've known each other, and letting go of friends that no longer align
Releasing the tight grip around your career path and trusting that each job, no matter how inconsequential, can teach you valuable skills
Dropping expectations around romantic relationships as a permission slip to walk away from people who aren't meant for you
⭐️About Leanne
Leanne Sutton is an interior designer, brand strategist, retail development and marketing specialist who is currently living a nomadic lifestyle throughout Mexico, US, and Europe.
📌Episode Highlights
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Letting go of expectations is about seeing the beauty in all things and not holding on to outcomes so tightly.
In friendships it doesn't matter how long you've been in each other's lives. What matters is an equal give and take of energy, how the person makes you feel, and the ability to be your true self with them.
In relationships the goal doesn't need to be marriage or kids. Focus on how the relationships feels in your body to ensure it is one that is aligned with you and tune out the pressure from others to hit specific milestones.
In career it is okay to have an unconventional path. Every job you have can teach you something that'll lead you to being really good at your dream job.
In general, not having expectations doesn't mean not having goals and desires. It means...
Letting go of trying to control things that you cannot control
Giving yourself the flexibility to change your mind
Finding the doors that are still open when another closes
Caitie: When you release expectations, you get to live life in a flexible, whole, full and alive, values aligned way. It actually feels fucking good for you. It feels good and authentic for you.
Caitie: Welcome to Whole, Full and Alive, a podcast helping you feed yourself, feel yourself and be yourself. I'm Caitie Corradino. I'm a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, a body image coach and the founder of Full Soul Nutrition, a method that combines nutrition counseling with a powerful toolkit of somatic healing modalities. I have guided hundreds of clients to freedom with food, their bodies and every aspect of their lives. I've also been through this healing myself, and on this podcast, I want to help you eat with confidence, embrace your body, form aligned relationships and create a life that you're in love with. I'll share actionable tools, no bullshit stories, and interviews that will remind you why you have everything you need within you to feel whole, full and alive. Are you ready? Let's get into it.
Caitie: I'm recording in a room with very high ceilings. That is just going to be the case while I'm here in my sublet in Lisbon. Every room has like a frickin and 15 foot ceiling. Not really ideal for podcasting, but hopefully my editor will subdue some of this echo.
But anyway, hi, how are you? Take a deep breath, take a stretch wherever you are, wiggle your toes, wiggle your fingers, get into your body. I am so grateful that you are tuning in today and I'm so excited to be having a conversation today with one of my closest, closest friends. But before I dive into the conversation, I kind of want to set the stage of what we're going to be talking about.
One of my absolute favorite quotes is the opposite of having expectations is seeing the beauty in all things, and I love this quote because I really try to live a life free from expectations. You know, an expectation is when you expect something to happen that you can't control. You know, for example, you expect someone to behave a certain way, or you expect your body to drop a certain amount of weight, or you expect one specific job opportunity to work out. You know all these things that you don't have control over, and people always ask me okay, well, how do you let go of expectations?
And I think one of the most concrete ways to actually do that is to see the beauty in all things. So I want to open with that quote today because I want to talk to one of my closest friends today about living a life free from expectations, while still holding onto desires and goals. A desire is something that you determine might make you feel fulfilled and that you name without rigidly attaching to it or expecting it to unfold in one particular way.
For example, I desire to feel more comfortable and confident in my body, and goals are specific actions that will help you get closer to where you want to be. Goals are flexible and you can keep. You could stay open to the different paths or behaviors that might become available to you. For example, my goal is to take a fun fitness class two times per week and see how it feels. If it doesn't feel good or another opportunity to move my body presents itself, I'll stay open. Right, focusing on desires or goals rather than expectations is essential, I think, for having like a really feel good life, especially when it comes to your relationship with food and your body, and especially when it comes to jobs and careers, and especially when it comes to relationships and friendships.
So that's actually where we're going to start. Today's episode is letting go of expectations and relationships, and then we'll dive into letting go of expectations in jobs and careers, and then we'll dive into letting go of expectations. Just I don't know maybe in your love life in particular. We'll see where this conversation leads.
But anyways, I'm here today with Leanne Sutton. I would love to say it in her accent, Leanne Sutton. She's one of my closest friends. She is a creative director, that is my most favorite title for her but I think that she does a lot of different things related to marketing, branding, advertising, designing, store concepts, interior design showing me little like 3D models on her computer that I don't understand.
She's here visiting me in Lisbon and I met her on her treat in San Diego less than two years ago and she's truly become one of the most important people in my life, not only because of our very unique and interesting friendship was going to be the first thing we talk about but because she just inspires me.
Her life story inspires me because it's such a good example of letting go of expectations and letting an unexpected path unfold. So she's going to tell her story today because I'm going to ask her about her story today. She has no idea what I'm going to ask her.
Leanne: I'm like, uh, I don't know.
Caitie: But I'm so excited let's dive in. Thank you so much for being here, my friend. Hi.
Leanne: It's not the first time, but we'll ask.
Caitie: I've never had my computer die during a podcast interview. So, frankly, we're going to retake, redo the first two minutes. It was so amazing to get you in a nice flow. But we're going to restart the flow, restart the flow, re-instate the flow.
And we're actually going to start by talking about just a funny anecdote, which is that whenever you and I go out together, in general, but particularly over these last couple of days in Lisbon, everyone is surprised that I have an American accent and you have a British accent. Everyone expects that we are from the same place. Everyone. It's the most shocking thing for them to recognize that someone with an American accent could be hanging out with someone with a British accent.
Leanne: You know, I know I'm American English.
Caitie: Apparently someone called you American English the other night. But like the amount of like double take like it's literally the same thing, especially the men. They do the finger guns they like, point back and forth to us.
Leanne: Like wait, you're English, you're American, you're American, wait, hold on. I'm just going to get my mind blown.
Caitie: And similarly, we were born in different decades, which is another thing that surprises people. People expect us to be the same age and we are not. We are not the same age. You are 10 years older than me, and that's not something that people expect either.
And so I want to open up this episode by talking about releasing expectations in friendships and relationships and depth of connection, because if someone told me that I don't know one of my best friends is someone 10 years older than me, from Manchester who worked for Adidas for a decade in high school, I would have been like, interesting, all right. Like she's out there working for Adidas right now and I'm in high school. Like there's no way, and I'm curious how is that?
I mean you also are like the quintessential loyal friend, like you are just such a fiercely loyal friend, and I want you to tell the story about your unconventional career path and how you had to let go of expectations with that. But yeah, let's start here.
Let's start with letting go of expectations in friendship and also about how like literally part of your, I don't want to say it's part of your identity, because I don't know if it is part of your identity, but it's part of the way I see you is like. It's just so clear to me that your friendships, and the many forms that they come in, are so important to you.
Leanne: Yeah, they definitely are for sure. I also want to start by saying we might be 10 years apart, but also we've had an extremely parallel year of experiences. So even like the 10 years have been like wait, what this is happening to you, this is just happening to me as well. I was like what the hell. So it's been amazing to send our voice notes back and forth.
But yeah, I feel like, for me, like letting go of expectation of friendships is it's just along the way, just realizing that I never really I've never really saw myself as the same age as some people around me, because my path was so different than others and I feel like I was constantly keeping myself down or dim in my light to conform to people's narrative, that they understood what someone in my age should do or where I should be in my life at this point.
You know I'm single and 38 and you know, temporarily, just like freelancing and traveling around and stuff like that, and people just don't understand that. And I think one of the greatest things about friendship, when you break away from that norm, is you get to allow other people into your life and it does not matter how long you've been friends with them. And I think the more you grow as a person and the experiences that you have and everything that you go through all the trials, tribulations, all the challenges and the experiences creates a new version of you or a stronger version of you and you expand as a person. So therefore, when you allow new people into your life at different points. You've grown so much that to me I don't see the age gap between us you know, like and different things like that.
It's kind of feel like more of an age gap between people that I go home and visit and stuff like that, because it's just on such a different trajectory, whereas all we do is like similar things, even though, like, we're kind of different in some ways, but we have the same desires and same travel and joy and you know, and also emotional intelligence.
Caitie: Something that's come up a lot in those conversations with the double-take men.
Leanne: Yes.
Caitie: But I think that's the way you phrased when you let go of expectations of who you're supposed to connect with and who you're supposed to be, you get to allow all different types of people into your life and it gets to not be about how long you've known them.
I think another piece of this expectations theme is that everyone expects that you're going to stay friends with the people that you grew up with, or expect that you stay friends with the people you went to university with. The expectations that get thrown on.
Friendships are massive, and what I love about you is that you maintain such a strong sense of loyalty to such a beautiful group of friends clearly and I'm lucky enough to be one of them and also really do release expectation when it comes to friendships and connections at the same time, like holding a set of standards while also releasing the things that you cannot control about who you're going to connect with in your life.
Leanne: And I think for me that's been later on in life. I feel like I wasn't ever strong enough to do that in the past. I felt like I put so much pressure on myself before. To people please and well. I need to fit everyone in, even though I might well now I might well hold on. Who's been there in my life? Who's asked? Who's checked in on me when I've been going through some stuff, like when's the last time they messaged me genuinely, not for something, not to ask me a question, but just to check in?
And I think as you adapt and you go through and you move around and you travel and you go through a lot, you really see who those people are that show up for you and I think, also for me. I've definitely noticed how I shift my conversations with certain people and who I can be more open with and honest and true, authentically me.
Caitie: Yeah, I feel like the nugget there, in terms of like letting go of expectations and focusing on goals and desires when it comes to friendship, is the goal is that I can be my full self around anybody I'm going to be friends with, and the desire is that who I'm going to be friends with is going to show up for me and check in with me and ask me about my life, and I'll be able to keep a constant stream of communication with them, even when I'm apart from them or, you know, traveling and doing whatever the adventures of life. Like you and I have a constant stream of audio notes going to probably stream together a podcast without talking right now. And letting go of the expectation of who that's going to be, I think, is the key there.
It's like, okay, yeah, the goal is that I will have friends who I can be 360 degrees myself with, like all sides of me around, to like dim any parts of me around, the friendships that I choose, and then also I'm going to be able to, to know that these people will be there for me despite moving away or whatever chapter of life comes up next, and you release the expectation of who that's going to be. That's the key.
Leanne: And I think, just to touch on what you said as well about like removing certain people, I think when you, you, you deep dive into that expectation and start to question certain things, and when things come up and show up for you in a way that you notice certain patterns for people, actually they don't check in on me, it's always me checking in on them and when our conversation it's always about them versus a shared back and forth and then you realize that you just a support mechanism for other people and they kind of take away your energy when you're going through enough that you need your own, and you need to be surrounded in people that fill your cup and want good for you, rather than just take.
I think I definitely had to navigate that and about to make some difficult decisions. You know sometimes to be like you know what, as much as I love you, it's just not healthy for me to have to, for you to be in my life anymore or at this time, until maybe some self reflection or you know yeah,
Caitie: Yeah, friendship breakups are real. I talked about that on another episode about just like adult friendships specifically there are. There are boundaries, like it to be said, there are transitions like it to happen in friendships. And being a fiercely loyal friend doesn't mean that you maintain any and all friendships forever, right, being a fiercely loyal friend means you let go of the expectations around the things that you cannot control, aka, you cannot control how someone's going to show up for you. You cannot control how much energy someone's going to zap from you, but you can control if you decide to continue giving that person your time and your energy. And so, yeah, I want to shift into your career. Because we were in a cab the other night and I was like, hey, I actually just want like an outline of what you do, like how you got there. I've always had a rough idea, a rough idea of your job at Adidas, but didn't really understand how you got there.
And I would love if you can kind of just give like the quick tea on your career trajectory, because I know so many people who are so lost in career right now particularly my clients who are younger than me kind of feeling unsure about what they want to do, feeling stuck in their current job, and I think it's kind of lost nowadays that you can work your way up to something that you didn't expect to work your way up to, and I know what that happened for you, as you started as like a store manager and now you’re like a designer. Can you just tell me the story you told me in the cab?
Leanne: Yeah, sure, yeah. So I think you know, like growing up you know I wasn't from a wealthy family, very like working class, you know always work. So you know I always had jobs so like work my way up from part time, full time supervisor into management.
I went to university. So I worked full time as well as going to university and I just loved retail and environments and always kind of wanted to be in that. And I say that with, because there probably wasn't a lot of expectation of where my career could have gone because of how you know my life was set up, a little bit of, you know, limitations, I would say.
But yeah, always worked in retail. I thought I wanted to be a fashion buyer and then I was and I hated it, it was horrible. So I went back in and just really wanted to be in that creative space and I've always been really good at like layouts and interior and stuff like that.
So, yeah, I ended up working for Reebok and Adidas doing all the store visual merchandising, so working with a lot of product, and then with that comes like layout and space planning and then working with like product allocation and merchandising and then when you really start elevating the spaces you then get opportunities to start really working on like planning remodels of stores and stuff like that.
With that, I've always been such a creator and innovator. I've always put business cases together of stores that I've taken over to be like this layout is wrong, we should be doing this in this store because this is the customer and this is how we're not serving them. So I've always been someone to challenge the norm.
Caitie: What I love about your story is that you started in retail and being a retail manager and then went into being a buyer because you thought that was like the ultimate, like where you want it to go, and hated it. But then we're able to kind of utilize the knowledge and skill set and resources that you got from being a manager to be a concept and like store layout designer, because you knew what it was like to actually be on the ground trying to manage a store and organize a store.
And I like that piece of the story because I think what so many people struggle with is this idea that they have a useless job and they're not where they wanna be yet and it's like, oh, like I'm just doing this job, like working in this store or for me, some of my fitness jobs felt like a little dead end. Sometimes I'm like I can't believe I'm teaching. I don't know prenatal fitness killed me. I hated teaching it. I'm like sometimes I was teaching little kid dance classes and I can see how so many of the skills I got from each one of those jobs led me to where I am today, doing what I do today, and I can see how starting working your way up in retail got you to where you are today, which is now freelancing, doing what you're doing, like you have so many skills that are freelancable and you're creating your own businessable, but you would have never expected to be there.
Leanne: No, and I think what I can't echo enough, like every time that I look at a brand it's like a brand strategy that I would have to do. Like my vision is so holistic and there's not many designers that can say have literally rang the register, have led the team, have launched campaigns, have done the windows, the mannequins, the product, the deliveries, the stock takes, everything. So with that comes an extreme detailed operational excellence, which means you can create stores so detailed that not a lot of designers have. They don't have on the ground knowledge.
So I can challenge in a good way to be able to speak to leadership, to be able to sign off certain things that sometimes designers can't do, and even the way that fixture systems work, how we launch campaigns, how do we storytell in store. I've worked and launched all of those things. So when you combine being in marketing and activation, store manager and retail operations, visual merchandising and product, again being a buyer like, I understand range building, I understand how to do that. I understand how to transition in and out of product. I know how to build ranges.
So all of that is very holistic, which I think has brought me to not just design very smart concept for even independent retailers, but just to be able to look at the overall brand strategy. What's their messaging, what's their branding, what's their story? And being able to bring that through, because in my career I looked after different markets, so there's no one better to understand the markets than the people in the markets. But I also had to maintain a brand, like a global brand. Is it like making sure that all the works together was super important?
Caitie: I mean, I feel like the nugget there in terms of like maintaining goals and desires while letting go of expectations in career, is that you might have a goal to reach a certain job title or to reach a certain to work at a certain company, and you might have a desire to be able to utilize a certain skill set in your career or be able to work with a certain clientele or be able to freelance and travel, whatever it is, and can you let go of the expectation of exactly how the path will look and can you also see how unexpected steps and unexpected smaller jobs that you might need to get along the way are gonna allow you to be more holistic once you reach the place that you wanna reach.
I love the word holistic. I think that, of course, that applies to my work. I love being a holistic eating disorder recovery coach, a holistic body image coach, a holistic nutritionist, because I'm able to incorporate breath work and incorporate confidence coaching and incorporate these different elements that I'm not just like here's your fucking meal plan, go at it.
I'm curious, like if you had held so tightly onto the expectation of, like, how your career was supposed to go you know, supposed to be a buyer, I'm supposed to do this, I'm supposed to do that what might have happened for you? What might have changed?
Leanne: I would probably have never have moved to the US and done anything that I was gonna do. My path would look completely different. So I was like you know what, this is not what I wanna do. Like, what am I doing? Like I remember and this is maybe this will speak to certain people that really wanna break away from what they're doing and having the guts to do it. Like I walked in one day after being off for three days and I sat at my computer as a buyer and I turned on the computer and all my emails started coming through from all the factories and everything was just like crazy. I was like you know what? I don't wanna do this. I was sat outside in my car before I came in full anxiety, didn't wanna do it and I was like what am I doing? But I came and did it anyway and I sat there and I was like Parvian was my manager at the time and I was just like hey, can I have a word? I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and I wrote my notice with immediate effect and I left that building within 20 minutes.
I didn't have a job to go to. I went back to my place that was staying in Leeds, packed everything that could fit into my car, wrote a note to my housemates, take anything that you want for that, say, bought all new furniture and drove away.
Caitie: Wow.
Leanne: And it was a really bold move.
Leanne: If I had not done that, I wouldn't have got the job at Topshop. I wouldn't have got the job then because I was then head on it by Reebok, I wouldn't have moved to London and Reebok and Adidas and the career and the people that I've met and the things I've learned along the way could have it would have taken a whole different path if I didn't leave that day.
So I feel like sometimes you just have to take the risk, but you have to listen to your body. Like I was freaking out outside and at point of breakdown. Back then I didn't know what that looked like to listen to my body but I've always been very in tune and I knew that anxiety was coming from somewhere and I feel like I just had to face it and just make a change.
Caitie: Yeah, yeah, there's so many layers to that idea of like listening to your body. I feel like we can do kind of a follow up on that Although I know I talked about that on other episodes too because I you know in the last couple of minutes that I have to speak to you.
I also want to ask about letting go of expectations and love, because I think that at 28, I get oh, when do you want to get married? And like, do you want to have kids? And like buh-buh-buh. And I know that there are so many women who are closer to your age that listen to my podcast and are in a similar place to you, and I believe truly that you are one of the most confidently single people that I know and you navigate relationships with such blissful boundaries and you're so independent and I love it. And we talk about the trials and tribulations of it. It's not all sunny. She's not just like perfect.
And also you're so, so mentally boundaried and healthy with relationships in a way that I'm so thankful to be able to look up to, and so I'm curious, just like how do you handle that shit when people are like, oh, you thought yeah, like what are you gonna have? Are you gonna get married, Are you gonna have kids? Like buh-buh-buh, like what internal boundaries do you set and how do you respond to that kind of dialogue? Cause I'm sure it comes up.
Leanne: I think it shifted, honestly, over the years. I think now, at this point, I'm just like I don't know, I don't want to get married, because I'll just refer to him. Like you know, I remember the ex-idiot that I was with that I was just like I blocked him on the same day. Bye, Like I can't do that if I'm married. So it's like I don't know. I feel like my path has gone the way it should. It's allowed me, to you know, live an amazing and interesting life that isn't tied to a relationship, when I know it's wrong. And it's been. It's given me the strength to walk away and rather than staying when I know that I shouldn't, and I think I value being able to leave when I want to leave or when I should know, and rather than just like putting my life on hold to maintain this relationship that, like should be perceived as great to everyone else. And the expectation is to stay, and then the expectation is to live together. The expectation is then to get married and expectation is to have kids. What about that's not my expectation? I think, honestly, even meeting someone at 40 and being together for the rest of my life is still a fucking long time.
So you know, people used to meet, but like people used to die in their 30s, I would have been dead already back in the day. That's why people used to be together forever. Things have changed.
Caitie: That looks just such a good point. Holy shit, that could be a whole episode. I mean, first, let's refer to that fabulous with the Whoopi Goldberg quote that we saw yesterday that said I don't wanna get married, I don't want someone in my house, someone in my house, but love it.
But part of your response kinda gave me chills, because I feel like there's just such a tangible nugget there of like, when you let go of expectations, you can allow the most beautiful story to unfold. And when you let go of expectations, you get permission to walk away from what is no longer aligned with you. It's like, oh, if I expect that I have to get married by this age, or I expect that this person that I'm with right now is gonna be the husband, then you've completely robbed yourself of permission to walk away when it's no longer aligned.
And I think that is the most important part of releasing expectations is that when you release expectations, you get to live life in a flexible, whole, full and alive, values-aligned way. That actually feels fucking good for you. It feels good and authentic for you. And I think that expectations release pressure.
Pressure is very dysregulating for your nervous system and when your nervous system is dysregulated you can't listen to your body cues. And when you can't listen to your body cues, it becomes difficult to make decisions like that very cold decision that you made to walk away from a job you hated.
Leanne: I also think I feel like expectations in relationships that like, oh, I expect someone to show up for me, I expect this to work out, I expect this person to do this for me, or I expect us to be together. And when you're planning stuff in a year's time which I've just like freaks me out, I'm like, well, let's see first.
Caitie: Right, right, because it's like, who knows, you get to experiment and learn from all things and be present, yeah, and you have to see the beauty in the way it works out, yeah.
Leanne: And I feel like releasing yourself from having expectation means you're releasing yourself from also disappointment, because I feel like you're only disappointed if you have an expectation that you don't know if anyone's going to meet that. You just know that you're just going to go with this and you're going to do the best that you can do. And if it's not right, then the expectation for myself is that I remove myself from that situation. That is the only expectation that I would hold is my own accountability.
Caitie: Exactly. You don't release yourself from grief, you don't release yourself from sadness, you don't release yourself from heartbreak, but you release yourself from some sense of disappointment and the inability to pivot and move on. When I think that when we hold onto expectations too much, we deprive ourselves of the ability to be resilient, because when we're holding onto expectations it's much harder to be resilient after it, because the opposite of expectation is seeing the beauty in all things. So if you're able and capable of seeing the doors that open when one closes, you have a sense of resilience.
So as we wrap up, I asked all my guests this question. So my favorite quote by Brene Brown is one day you will tell the story of what you went through and it will become someone else's survival guide. Yeah, if you were going to create a survival bag we love how we say that New Jersey full of your favorite books or songs or things or essentials or whatever it is what would you put in Leanne's survival bag?
Leanne: God, I can't remember names of songs.
Caitie: It doesn't have to be songs. Some people put songs in there, some people put Spotify playlist in there, some people put books in there, some people put foods in there, like what are just like
Leanne: Ah crumpets.
Caitie: Leanne, loves a crumpet. I just came back to the cafe across the street and I was like Landon, there's something crumpety in there. I think you have to go and check it out. If you don't know what a crumpet is, google it. It's a British thing.
Leanne: I'm going to have one in two sleeps. There's a countdown, so it's okay.
Caitie: What else is going in the bag?
Leanne: A passport so I can travel.
Caitie: Oh yeah, that's beautiful.
Leanne: I feel like a one way ticket Would never turn. Anywhere, figure it out. Yeah, here's a coupon. Here's a coupon for a ticket for one way we can only do one way and it's a destination and you go in solo. Oh then figure it out and have the most amazing adventures that you would never plan and go beyond expectation.
Caitie: Love it, love it. And what's your favorite book, movies, or something?
Leanne: My favorite movie is Maverick.
Caitie: Like Top Gun Maverick?
Leanne: Yes, dude, my dad was in the army, yeah, so I used to have to deal with him leaving and go into wars and stuff. I feel very connected. I was an emotional mess every time I watch anything, anything Armageddon or anything like that and just very emotionally connected. Yeah but I just, yeah, I love, I love that movie. I've watched it a lot. But, it's very emotionally triggering for me in a way in a beautiful sense, because I know what my dad did for me and all that risk you know, but I also know what it's like for someone to leave.
Caitie: Yeah. It's also a fucking awesome movie.
Leanne: It's also a fucking awesome movie. And honestly, I'm a little bit psycho. If someone sat behind me on a flight, they'll think I'm crazy because I just rewind the flight scenes.
Caitie: I mean they're awesome, they're awesome.
Leanne: Like I just need to watch that again.
Caitie: This guy that I went to college with was in that movie and I was like watching him post like the filming of it, yeah.
Leanne: I also feel like the respect level that I have with Tom Cruise and the team, because they all did a lot of stuff. I just have a lot of respect for someone just being the best that they can be at the art and what they choose and desire to live, you know, and just they take you on a journey in that experience.
Caitie: So this is starting to appear, pop culture episode. Thank you for listening to our episode of Top Gun Maverick. Alright, thank you so much for being here.
Caitie: I'm gonna have to record a separate outro because I have to go, but love you long time.
Caitie: Love you one time, love you.
Thank you so much for tuning into this episode of Whole, Full, and Alive. A little conversation with one of my best friends about letting go of expectation. Thought it would be fun to just drop this you know fun and casual conversation with one of my close friends on this Monday in particular because it's an American holiday and I know a lot of people are taking off from their podcast today, so I wanted to drop just like a fun, light, laughter filled conversation today. I hope you took something away from today’s episode. If you did please share it with somebody else. Share it with someone else your thoughts on how the opposite of expectation is seeing the beauty in all things, where you want to let go of expectation in your relationships, in your career, in your life. And if you do enjoy the show I was so appreciate it if you could leave a 5-star review on Apple or on Spotify. That is how they show reaches more people’s ears, that is how more people find tools to help them feel more whole, more full, more alive. I'll be back here in two weeks with a really special solo episode that I can’t wait for you to hear. Stay tuned. Have a beautiful and peaceful, whatever you need in the rest of your day. Take care.